New administrator will have day-to-day responsibility for development of Tufts’ strategic plan
LouAnn Westall Named Associate Provost of Academic Planning
LouAnn Westall, who has broad experience in strategic planning, has been named associate provost of academic planning and will have day-to-day responsibility for the development of Tufts University’s strategic plan.
“Adding a permanent position in this area, as opposed to relying on consultants, is consistent with our long-term commitment to strategic planning,” said Provost David R. Harris in announcing Westall’s appointment in an email to the Tufts community on Oct. 31.
The university launched its strategic planning initiative, called Tufts: The Next 10 Years, or T10, on Oct. 1. Tufts President Anthony P. Monaco asked Harris to lead the effort. “Our commitment is to a thorough, periodic process of identifying where Tufts hopes to be in the next 10 years, and to understanding the type and level of resource commitments required to achieve our collective goals,” Harris said in his announcement.
Before joining Tufts, she was vice president and chief operating officer at Strategy Implemented Inc., and worked as a consultant with Huron Consulting, where she provided guidance to U.S.-based medical centers and offered operational support related to strategic planning. She also held positions at Harvard University in planning, alumni affairs and development and international initiatives. She holds an M.B.A. from Anna Maria College and a B.S. in business administration from Worcester State University.