Local non-profits in host communities of Westborough and Grafton may apply for small grants
NORTH GRAFTON, Mass., – The Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University today announced the availability of updated applications to the Cummings School Service Fund, a fund to support non-profit organizations in its host communities of Westborough and Grafton, Mass.
Applications are reviewed on an annual basis by the school and given priority based on their ability to address community-identified needs. Projects with relevance to education are encouraged. Applications for FY2014 fund awards are now available at: http://vet.tufts.edu/community_programs/community/service_fund.html.
“This giving program is one way we – Cummings students, staff and faculty who live and volunteer in our host communities – are able to show our appreciation to Grafton and Westborough,” said Deborah T. Kochevar, DVM, Ph.D., dean of the Cummings School. “A key element of our service mission is supporting organizations that enrich the local culture.”
Requests for funding should be submitted no later than March 30 for consideration for funding in the current fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). A committee comprised of Cummings School administrators, faculty and staff meets annually to review proposals and select grant recipients, and will inform requesters of its funding decision by June 1. The Cummings School Service Fund grants typically range from $200-$500.
Any proposal for project or activities is welcome. Activities funded or supported in previous years of Cummings Service Fund awards include a children’s summer enrichment program at the Nelson Library, an adult English language program, the Lion’s Club Fourth of July celebration, Westborough High School’s FIRST Robotics Team, and a Grafton League of Women Voters-sponsored study of support services available locally for the elderly.
Questions about the Cummings School Community Fund can be directed to Jean Poteete at 508-887-4740 or via email at jean.poteete@tufts.edu.
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About the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University
Founded in 1978 in North Grafton, Mass., Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University is internationally esteemed for academic programs that impact society and the practice of veterinary medicine; three hospitals and four clinics that combined log more than 80,000 animal cases each year; and groundbreaking research that benefits animal, public, and environmental health.