The event running from Feb. 17 to 21 features discussions led by practitioners, academics, policymakers and journalists
Tufts’ Institute for Global Leadership (IGL) will host its 31st annual Norris and Margery Bendetson EPIIC International Symposium, titled “Europe in Turmoil,” from Feb. 17 to 21 on the Medford/Somerville campus.
This year’s symposium will explore European identity, the current migration crisis, trade relations and Europe’s place in the global order, among other topics. The event, which is free to all members of the Tufts community, presents a series of discussions led by practitioners, academics, policymakers and journalists.
Additional informal small-group seminars will cover such topics as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, the emergence of right-wing parties, the future of the EuroZone and lessons in peacekeeping. Institute for Global Leadership students will give presentations on hybrid warfare in the Baltics, the Russian-EU relationship, human trafficking and the impact of comparative migration policies. There will also be working sessions on developing a hackathon for refugee relief apps.
The symposium kicks off on Wednesday, Feb. 17, with a talk by João Vale de Almeida, the EU ambassador to the United Nations, regarding challenges facing Europe. A cultural event that night will feature a performance of Beethoven’s Egmont Overture, world music and a presentation of work by photojournalists Gary Knight, director of IGL’s Program for Narrative and Documentary Practice, and Ron Haviv.
Events continue through Feb. 21, and include sessions on “Europe in the Global Order,” “Islam in Europe,” “Europe’s Dividing Lines” and “ ‘The Big Three’ and Challenges to Foreign Policy Integration.”
For more information and to register, visit the EPIIC website.