Students can now pursue a joint degree in transatlantic affairs, a Ph.D. in economics and policy, or a dual degree in international law
The Fletcher School has established two new joint-degree programs—a master’s in transatlantic affairs with the College of Europe and a Ph.D. in economics and public policy with the School of Arts and Sciences at Tufts.
In addition, Fletcher established a new dual-degree program with the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland this fall.
The joint-degree program with the College of Europe, an elite postgraduate training institute for European diplomats and civil servants, will offer a master of arts degree in transatlantic affairs. The two-year program will launch in the fall of 2017 and will require students to study on both sides of the Atlantic, at Fletcher and at the College of Europe, which has a main campus in Bruges, Belgium, and a smaller campus in Natolin, a neighborhood of Warsaw, Poland.
“This joint degree reflects a profound level of commitment and cooperation between our institutions, and celebrates our common intellectual heritage,” said James Stavridis, F83, F84, dean of the Fletcher School. “Together, the College of Europe and the Fletcher School will prepare leaders to carry forward our shared values across the Atlantic.”
Students in the program will be required to complete a high-level internship in the public or private sector during their third semester. Program enrollment is capped at five students entering per year per campus.
The transatlantic affairs degree is part of a partnership that will also include joint conferences and faculty exchanges between Fletcher and the College of Europe, which was founded after World War II and offers master’s degrees in law, economics studies, political and administrative studies, international relations and diplomacy, and interdisciplinary studies, all with a focus on Europe.
Economics and Public Policy
The joint Ph.D. program between Fletcher and the Department of Economics in Tufts’ School of Arts and Sciences will focus on economic development, the rising demand for energy and the environmental and climate consequences of economic growth. Students will learn technical modeling and research techniques as well as the social science necessary for crafting effective policy.
The joint Ph.D. was made possible by the Neubauer Family Foundation, which has committed to fund five incoming students per year for the next five years and provide them with stipends for five years of doctoral work. The Ph.D. program is the first for the economics department at Tufts; the first students will start in the fall of 2017.
“We are excited to offer this new Ph.D.,” said Daniel Richards, professor and chair of economics. “Drawing on the expertise of faculty at Tufts and the Fletcher School, the program will prepare our students to tackle critical challenges in the areas of economic development, energy and environmental policy.”
International Law
The new dual-degree program with the University of St. Gallen will allow students to earn both a master of laws degree in international law (LL.M) from Fletcher and a master’s degree in international law (MIL) from St. Gallen after 18 months to two years of study, depending on course selection. The program started accepting students this fall.
St. Gallen specializes in law, business and international affairs. The executive director of Fletcher’s LL.M Program, John Burgess, has taught at both schools and helped create the new program, in which students will study at both institutions.
“Both schools share a strong commitment to teaching and scholarship in the global context,” Burgess said. “I am delighted that Fletcher and St. Gallen students will now have the opportunity to participate in a program that will provide them access to the highly complementary course offerings, outstanding teaching and different geographic exposure that the two schools offer.”