Scientists from several Boston-area universities and hospitals to take part
Annual Vascular Research Meeting to Be Held at Tufts
Tufts University School of Medicine will host the twenty-first annual Boston Angiogenesis Meeting on November 22.
Organizing committee chair Pilar Alcaide, interim vice chair of the Department of Immunology, said this prestigious meeting, last held at Tufts in 2006, is an opportunity for Tufts researchers and students to connect with academic and industry leaders in the Boston biomedical sciences field.
Sessions will explore the relationships between blood vessels and eye health, tumor growth, and the immune system, among other topics. The eleven speaker presentations include a keynote by Francis (Bill) Luscinskas, a professor of pathology at Harvard Medical School and senior research associate at the Center for Excellence in Vascular Biology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Breakout sessions that include breakfast, lunch, and a closing reception will provide time to mingle with other trainees, faculty, and industry representatives and to learn about vascular biology research and applications.
Alcaide noted that the student/trainee fee is only $30 “to facilitate access to younger, motivated, early-career scientists.”
For more information and to register, visit