School: School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts
Degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art
School: School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts
Degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art
My teachers are always saying something along the lines of “If you know what you're doing, then why are you doing it?” They're really encouraging me to always be in a space of uncertainty, to always be exploring, and to reject stasis and consistency.
Puppets and Animated Objects with Danielle Abrams. It has really redefined for me what it means to be grown up. At one point, we were out in front of the Museum of Fine Arts playing follow the leader. I had never considered what you can actually get away with as an adult in the public sphere before I had to do that. Adulting seems to come with is so much seriousness that was not allowed in this class. (Kindly note: The university community was saddened by the loss of Danielle Abrams last month.)
Going moonlight sailing with the karate club, because it was so unexpected. In the middle of practice, someone asked if we wanted to go sailing. I had never gone sailing before, but I said yes. We went to the BU sailing facility, and there were a bunch of people from other karate clubs in Boston there, and there was a full moon. It was a wild time.
In the third-floor bathroom at SMFA, the one with the skylight, that's my favorite place, just because of the lighting. It's so beautiful in there for no reason. There's no reason for a bathroom to be that nice.
This profile originally appeared as part of the series “Profiles in Inspiration: Commencement 2022 Spotlights."