Meet Aaron Lambert, VG23

School: Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine

Degree: Master of Science in Infectious Disease and Global Health (MSIDGH)

Home: New England will always be home for me.

Why was Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine the right place for you?

It’s always been my dream to become a veterinarian, but when I first applied to schools of veterinary medicine, I didn’t get into as many as I’d hoped I would. I wasn’t going to stop chasing my dream, though, so I considered alternate pathways, and Tufts’ MSIDGH degree seemed perfect for me—I figured it would set me up for success later. Also, at the time, the realities of the pandemic were all around us, and I thought I should understand more about infectious disease and public health.

The program was great. The information and the skills I learned prepared me for what I’m doing now: I’m in Ross Veterinary School, on the island of St. Kitts, earning the doctorate in veterinary medicine that I’ve always wanted.

What is the single most important thing you learned at Cummings School?

How to succeed at the graduate level. I had been a year out of my undergrad program before starting the master’s. One of my reasons for pursuing it was to keep my mind sharp academically. The program taught me how to take my studies to the next level.

Was there anything surprising you discovered about yourself during your time at Tufts?

I had worked for years as a veterinary assistant, so I’d only ever seen veterinary medicine from a clinician’s point of view. But when I went through the master’s program, I learned that I have a real appreciation for the work that researchers do. Learning about global health or about even the smallest details about a particular organism, understanding public policy—those things are critical to a clinician’s success. Research is the foundation of how we advance and improve in veterinary medicine. I’ve always wanted to be a clinician, but now I’m also interested in doing some kind of research myself.

What’s one adjective that describes you?

Charismatic. I always try to brighten up a room with notes of positivity, and if a group needs a leader, I always try to step up.

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