Animal Health & Medicine How Do Parrots Talk? With their physical ability to make complex sounds, parrots can imitate a range of things such as microwaves cooking, but often focus on human speech June 22, 2017
Psychology Why Are We Spiteful? The opposite of altruism, spite might well have an evolutionary purpose June 12, 2017
Mental Health How Does Depression Affect Us? A disease that is distinct from sadness, it influences people differently, says biomedical sciences professor April 21, 2017
Psychology Why Do Babies Cry? As infants get older, cries can communicate more than just discomfort or hunger March 8, 2017
Stress How Does Stress Affect Us? Stress is an adaptive response to immediate threats, but if it continues, that’s bad for your health September 12, 2016
Aging Why Does Skin Wrinkle with Age? Our layers of skin change as we get older—the result of genetics and environmental factors, such as exposure to sunlight August 25, 2016
Health How Do Our Eyes Work? Our ability to see depends on a mechanical process not unlike the one a digital camera uses July 18, 2016
Health Why Do We Sleep? For starters, it lets the brain do its work for learning and creating memories May 26, 2016
Performing Arts Why Do We Have Music? For starters, it allows us to express things that can’t be put into words March 28, 2016
Pollution How Does Air Pollution Affect Us? The stuff we breathe can cause heart attacks and strokes, says Tufts public health professor March 17, 2016